15 May 2013

See you on the school webpage!!

Hello everyone!
From now on we will publish our projects and special activities in the English blog of our school webpage.
We would like to see you there!! 
A big hug!!

Ola a todos! De aquí en diante publicaremos as nosas cousas no blogue de inglés da páxina web do cole. Gustaríanos verte por alí!
Un forte abrazo!!

13 May 2013

Elmer, a special elephant!

The children of the 1st and 2nd levels have done a fantastic work.
After reading the story, they made their own one. Congratulations!
View more presentations or Upload your own.

14 Apr 2013


Hello everybody!!

The boys and girls of the 3rd level have done this display about famous athletes in Spain.

They have also done a presentation to share with our Comenius friends. I'm sure you (and they) will enjoy reading it.

Click here to have a look:     Our favourite Spanish athletes

16 Mar 2013

7 Jan 2013

Learning about transport!

Before Christmas, the children from the 2nd level were learning different means of transport in English. Jorge Fanego, Hugo and Adrian brought some ones to the classroom.
We also learnt that taxis in New York are yellow but black in London; school buses are yellow in the USA but buses are red in London .


Antes de Nadal, os nenos de segundo estiveron aprendendo o nome dos medios de transporte en inglés. Jorge Fanego, Hugo e Adrián trouxeron algúns. Tamén aprendimos que os taxis en New York son amarelos pero en London son negros; que os buses escolares en USA son amarelos e os buses normais en London son vermellos.